Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology was established in the year 1991. The Undergraduate facilities were recognized by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has been serving the general public. In the year 2010, post graduate training was added to provide advanced training in the specialty of Oral Medicine and Radiology. The Department has state of the art modern equipments required for student education and to cater to the needs of the public.
  Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognized by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfill the needs of the people of 3-4 surrounding districts including Hassan. In the year 2008, Department got upgraded as post graduate department providing emergency care &treatment of maxillofacial trauma patients. Department has operated various cancer, cyst, Tumor, TMJ and aesthetic surgeries since then. The post graduate program was recognized in the year 2012 with admission of 2 postgraduate seats every year. The department has operation theatre and wards for males and females, special ward, post operative wards admitting patients to be operated under general anesthesia.
  Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfil the needs of the people of 3-4 surrounding districts including Hassan. In the year 2008, Department got upgraded as post graduate Department providing most advanced restorative treatment modalities like veneering, thermoplasticized root canal Obturation, fibre reinforced composite resin restorations, endodontic microsurgery etc, with admission of 2 post graduates per year. The department, in the year 2014, got recognised for admission of 3 post graduate seats every year. The department has state of the art modern equipment's necessary for treatments.
  Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, has a history of more than 100 years and was the first speciality created in the field of dentistry. The speciality deals with the prevention, interception, diagnosis and treatment of malocclusions, malformations and disproportions of the structures in the dentofacial region. Essentially, orthodontics entails the management of tooth movement and dentofacial orthopedics involves the guidance of facial growth and development, which occurs largely during childhood. The department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Sri Hasanamba Dental College, Hassan, started functioning in the year 1991and upgraded itself to a center for postgraduate training in the year 2008. The department has a teaching program of more than 255 hours for the undergraduate students and also trains them in basics of diagnosing various dental and orofacial malocclusions and treatment of simple malocclusions using removable appliances. Being a prostgraduate teaching department, we dedicate amble time in training our post graduate trainees to diagnose and to formulate comprehensive treatment plan, use fixed ,semi fixed ,dentofacial orthopedics and removable orthodontic appliances to correct the malocclusions and malformations of the dentofacial region. We give training in research methodology and various clinical research projects are being carried out in our department.The proximity and close association with the Hassan Medical College , AIMS, Adichunchanagiri and Malnad Engineering College gives a unique opportunity for the young post graduate trainee researchers to extent their research projects to the fields which are dealt by the above mentioned institutes. The young researchers are given opportunities to make use of the facilities at various imaging centers at Bangalore and advanced technical institutes like IISc Bangalore. As being the only referral center for the speciality for three adjacent districts it caters the needs for an average 1600 patients every year. The Department boasts of having treated almost over 9600 cases in a period of 6 years. All the latest treatment modalities are being used to treat the patients in the department; invisible orthodontics, clear aliners, distraction osteogenisis, speedy orthodontics, temporary anchorage devices, self ligating brackets etc.
  Department of Pedodontics established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfil the needs of the people of 3-4 surrounding districts including Hassan. This department provides comprehensive oral health care for children. It specially encompasses on preventive and therauptic aspects includes managing medically compromised children and patients with special health care needs. The department educates and motivates the parent and the patients regarding the oral care of children in an acceptable and pleasant manner.
  Sri Hasanamba Dental College & Hospital, Hassan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfil the needs of 3-4 surrounding districts population including Hassan. In the year 2008, Department got upgraded as post graduate Department providing Routine and most advanced periodontal treatment. Department is actively involved in various research projects and is currently having 3 postgraduates per batch each year and recognised by Dental Council of India. The department has good patient flow with variety of cases and fledged with modern equipment and various other facilities and a student friendly staff with stress-free learning atmosphere.
  Department of Prosthodontics established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfil the needs of the people of 3-4 surrounding districts including Hassan. In the year 2010, Department got upgraded as post graduate Department providing most advanced prosthetic treatment modalities like implant supported prosthesis, maxillofacial prosthesis etc. Got recognised as post graduate Department in the y ear 2013 with admission of 3 postgraduate seats every year. The department has state of the art modern equipments with full-fledged casting and ceramic laboratories.
  Department of ORAL PATHOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. ORAL PATHOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY is the speciality of dentistry and the discipline of pathology that addresses the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the Oral and Maxillofacial regions. Oral Pathology represents the confluence of the basic sciences and clinical dentistry. It helps to correlate human biology with signs and symptoms of human disease. The department has a three year DCI recognized Post Graduate course with an intake of two students per batch. The staffs attend various specialities and take conferences, symposia and also have published articles in reputed journals.
  Department of Public health dentistry established in the year 1991 with undergraduate facilities got recognised by DCI in the year 1996. Since then the Department has served to fulfil the needs of Hassan by conducting various outreach programmes in and around Hassan districts.